Findings also point to the existence of quite distinct pathways to technological and market learning for suppliers. The divergent learning outcomes for suppliers serving operators and branded producers reinforce the idea that while operators involve suppliers in all aspects of production branded producers strictly limit access to customer facing activities thus reducing suppliers opportunities for learning in this domain.
Key concepts include This paper provides the first systematic firm level evidence of learning by supplying. It also contributes to developing understanding of firm boundaries and capabilities particularly in emerging industries. Counter to received wisdom the accumulation of technological South Africa WhatsApp Number List capabilities is not a necessary or sufficient condition for successful introduction of own brand products. and inertia in customer supplier matches. Suppliers choices of branded producers and operators may have a strong influence on suppliers long term capability development and strategic alternatives. Both the means and the motives for knowledge sharing are important in inter firm arrangements. Suppliers working with leading branded producers may find themselves effectively locked into a subordinate role thwarting ambitions to move up the value chain and develop as viable independent participants in the industry.
Author Abstract Learning processes lie at the heart of our understanding of how firms build capabilities to generate and sustain competitive advantage learning by doing learning by exporting learning from competitors users and alliance partners. In this paper we focus attention on another locus of learning that has received less attention from academics despite popular interest learning by supplying.