Altogether, the EU armed forces have approximately 1.6 million soldiers, that is, more or less the same as the US and more than India, which has 1.3 million troops, and Russia, with 1 million. These impressive figures, however, do not reflect the true balance of power; Its challenges are enormous. From international operations and crisis prevention to deterrence against Russia, if all these measures are to be carried out, Europe has to organize its resources better . Some politicians believe that a common army would make Europe more powerful : Ursula von der Leyen supposedly supports that idea . Furthermore, Germany sympathizes with this proposal and French President Emmanuel Macron is also in favor .
If von der Leyen managed to make progress on this front, she would make history. Immigration Italian police repress a protest by refugees and immigrants As in previous years, there are still asylu France Telegram Number Data kers trying to reach Europe on boats chartered by smugglers throughout the Mediterranean . Since there are no longer government rescue missions , only various private initiatives are dealing with rescuing those in trouble at sea. However, there are problems with this: Italy recently rejected a record number of asylum applications , and EU heads of state and government have called for more resources to redirect or relocate asylum seekers once they arrive .

A macroeconomic study denies that asylum seekers are a burden on European economies Currently, there is no automatic procedure to resolve this situation and Europe remains divided on this issue . Many Eastern European countries do not want to receive any immigration, while some Northern and Western European countries believe that those who need it should be admitted. However, in the past, these calls have not been accompanied by action: southern European countries, including Greece, Spain and Italy, have felt abandoned and have become more restrictive in their admission of asylum seekers and migrants. . In her candidacy speech, von der Leyen stated that it is a duty to save human lives , and that many in Europe agreed with her Climate A protester against climate change Von der Leyen also seeks to set a new standard in climate protection , and said she wanted Europe to become "the first climate-neutral continent in the world.