Consumer purchasing behaviors are changing.
Your habits are different from what they were 20 years ago, and marketing studies these changes to adapt, understand and respond.
Several factors can influence changes in con Chinese Overseas Asia Number Data sumer behavior, but an essential factor is the “Internet thing”.
Due to its exponential progress, the growth of digital marketing is becoming increasingly visible.
More than half of the Brazilian population has access to the internet, of which 43% use it for purchasing research.
With uncontrollable advancement, it has become essential to understand the growth of digital marketing, in addition to knowing how to work with digital marketing.
And to help you, we produce exclusive content with an overview of the digital marketing market.
Check out the topics covered:
Importance of digital marketing growth
Digital marketing concepts and trends
Expectations for the growth of digital marketing in Brazil
Invest in the growth of digital marketing
Importance of digital marketing growth
The main task of industries in this new era of digital marketing is to meet the most diverse needs of consumers, who are becoming increasingly demanding.
The customer, in general, wants greater convenience, they want to have the product in one click, something at their disposal in real time.
As a result, the growth of digital marketing for industries in Brazil will only be possible if it starts with a change in thinking.
This change must be initiated within companies.
It is important that everyone in the company understands that purchasing habits are currently different and that it is necessary to adapt to the market.
Unfortunately, there is a conservative mindset that marketing is a waste as an investment.
Every large company uses marketing in some way. However, it is a fact that when it is applied correctly, it brings great results.
No matter how big the company is, if it doesn't pay attention to its marketing strategies, it will certainly decline.
Jack Welch (Former CEO of GE) never tired of telling his company “Change or die”.
He turned the company's $13 billion in assets into hundreds of billions.
Therefore, pay attention to marketing practices and news that can help your company adapt to the market and achieve satisfactory growth.