Illustration of Ideology and Design Changes from the 1970s to the Present Day by Author Since it is crucial to understand the rules even if you later want to break or overcome them , we have designed a course to provide you with the tools for conscious design as a teacher in the art of Director and graphic designer Laura Rota provides all the basic theoretical concepts and provides all the technical tools to put them into practice . Creativity requires knowledge to express your best self. Speaking of knowledge we It cannot be ignored that it is the work of Massimo Vignelli, one of the most outstanding masters of modern design, Italian architect and designer . Canon lists the basic principles behind his design vision. Discipline with order, discipline and rules . Designing gives the designer the opportunity to express his creativity to the fullest
Meaning Every project must have meaning and the graphic elements that 10 best gps tracker services in Bangladesh characterize it must have a logical sequence . Timeless Good design is timeless. Typography. The choice and combination of fonts are crucial. In our courses we Exploring not only these and all other principles but also the values that have characterized visual culture throughout history . them according to the era of reference , from the 19th century to the present day. Lesson Vigne Explanations and Visions Beyond the Canon We dedicate part 2 to introducing the knowledge of basic graphic principles expressed in the publication.

Having ethical rules and intangible values The responsibility to choose appropriate solutions for beautiful and successful designs ; The visual ability to express clear concepts through appropriate and measured shapes and colors ; The discipline to create projects that respect precise rules Law but there are also tangible tools and values paper to be chosen appropriately ; cage columns and modules to organize content according to publication type ; fonts chosen to understand how printed characters have been used historically ; color expresses feeling because color Lesson fonts are a symbol and identity. Understand and know how to use some basic characters well. In the second part of the course we will cover the history and classification of typographic character families, explaining their use with practical examples . Use in different fields