This is the key point of your entire organization. Choose the best time for the comfort of your guests and perhaps avoid planning your party during the hottest hours of the day. The perfect time is the evening. This choice allows you to host outdoor parties without having to worry about the sun or heat putting a damper on the momentum of your event.
It would be a real shame. If you think your party might go too far and end late at night especially if there are children attending you could start the event around pm. By doing this the temperature will have time to drop a little and families with young children will be able to have a few hours Country Email List of fun before it s time to go to sleep. A summer theme Find an original and welcoming summer theme with soft bright decorations that can bring joy to the entire party area. Pay attention to the tables in detail in order to give a coherent look to the environment thanks to the choice of a general motif. For example what style might the decorations and tablecloths you want to use be in Floral or fruity Bright or pastel.
Marine or Green Solar or Lunar To give you an idea you can use elegant and modern elements or opt for an assortment of shabby chic pieces to give that rustic touch that goes well with an outdoor event. Another way to keep everything tidy is to choose a color palette and make the atmosphere delicate or bright depending on the mood you want to give to your summer party. Light up the night Don t let the sunset dim the lights on your party. with well designed lighting from the warm glow of lanterns and candles to the twinkling lights of larger energy efficient lamps.