As we started with As noted: Starting from January of this year, the minimum hourly rate will amount to PLN. This means an increase compared to the amount applicable for the current year, PLN, that is, . Starting from January, the minimum hourly rate will be PLN. This means an increase compared to the amount applicable for the current year, PLN, i.e. , . Important note - the minimum amount of work remuneration is determined based on the projections specified in the draft budget.
Law adopted by the Council of Ministers in September. The government website shows that the government of its lowest-paid employees. Starting this month, the minimum wage will increase, that is, by nearly . It is estimated that approximately one million people will receive higher philippines photo editor wages. Notably, next year, minimum hourly rates for commissioned contracts and contracts to provide services twice a year will increase for the first time.

This is a consequence of the terms of Art. Key points of the October bill on the minimum working wage, which states: If the forecast price index for the next year, that is, the annual average price index of the total amount of consumer goods and services used for the preparation of the draft budget law, is at least , then two dates can Changes to the minimum wage amount The amount of the minimum hourly wage is set starting in January and July. IMPORTANT NOTE.