To the entire back-end part of a website. We are mainly referring to programming and management software, aspects that are necessary for the creation of a site, in order to make it perfectly navigable, as well as allowing it to grow through new updates and implementations that meet the needs of the company, in particular commercial ones. Web development concerns programming, therefore knowledge of computer languages, in particular Java, ASP, PH and others even more specific. Although development software, including HubSpot, is increasingly aimed at making use simple even for operators who are not programmers tout-court, it is a good idea for every person called upon to create a company website to demonstrate a good command of the HTML in order to solve problems and manage appropriate solutions for each web page. The possible overlaps between web design and web development web design development Within companies much.
More rarely within agencies it is possible that the creation and photo editing servies development of a website is entrusted to a single person who takes care of both the development and the web design, exploiting knowledge , often generic, of both these functions. The most common problems in these cases concern the fact that designers usually don't like writing code. Their priority concerns the aesthetic aspect of the site. Hence the use of Photoshop to develop images, create models and design the overall layout. Conversely, those born as programmers exploit all their skills in the coding phase, opting for pre-set, therefore non-original, layouts to complete the company website. It is certainly more fruitful to invest separately.

In the two skills, in order to design a site capable of obtaining various advantages and offering a satisfying experience to each user.Data Studio Google what it is and what benefits it brings MARCO TARGA - JUNE data study google At a digital marketing level , Google Data Studio is increasingly being talked about as an element capable of supporting companies in the digital transformation processes, taking into consideration the progressively growing number of data to be managed.