Assign the above to each page based on your conversations with your customers. If you have difficulty assigning functionality or purpose, you can immediately mark the content as "for improvement."
Color is a great visual aid that helps you understand how each page is performing based on specified metrics. For example, if a page doesn't have a call-to-action for you, the cell will be colored red. Once the problem is resolved, you can dominican republic whatsapp data change the cell to green. Make sure you download the original so you have instant proof of the work you have done.
5. Add additional information.
A screenshot of a spreadsheet showing how cells can be filled with red or green based on performance metrics.
You'll want to incorporate general metrics based on assigned page functionality so you can analyze how each section is performing. These metrics can be traffic, conversion rates, new or returning users, etc., and are color-coded based on their performance.
You want to implement a sliding color scale and rank it from best to worst performer to better show whether a particular topic is performing better or worse.
It's a good idea to also include information such as publication date and author to find any trends you can replicate. For example, if a writer seems to consistently produce high-quality content, perhaps you can discuss their creative process with them and see if your writer can replicate it.