The information they provide not only covers salaries, but is vital to improve company benefits. With it, they will be able to establish a reliable and competitive remuneration plan, directly linked to business strategies. In addition, the information is segregated based on variables such as the geographical location of connected very different clients. It is, therefore, a business path that stands out for its revolutionary profile.
In this sense, despite being a model that proposes innovative concepts, experts point to its punctual nature. In other words, in the business landscape, this model constitutes an exception to the normality moible number data formed by the Red Ocean model. Therefore, this strategic approach is not the one that, today, defines business development, fundamentally marked by the struggle of companies.

Thus, for example, in the technological context, Samsung and Apple compete to reach the same users through a similar product that they try to differentiate internally or externally, for example. Similarly, Google and Yahoo! They fight in the computer market. In other areas, such as the telephone, this system is the basis of competition between different operators, such as Telefónica or Vodafone. But, beyond these markets.