I find myself having a flashback from years ago skiing in the Alps surrounded by fog so heavy that I didnt know which way was up or down. That was my first powerful glimpse of how fragile we are when facing the power of Earth. Onkalos bedrock has given me the second. Join one million Future fans by liking us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter or Instagram. If you liked this story sign up for the weekly bbc.
features newsletter called icked selection of stories from BBC Future Culture Worklife Travel and Reel delivered to your inbox every Friday. Continue reading In a Mobile App Development Service few years Finland will begin depositing spent nuclear fuel underground in Onkalo where it will remain for millennia. Erika Benke describes her experience of visiting the site. I Im always upbeat on the way to interviews.
To me theyre the most enjoyable part of the storytelling process. But this time I feel different. A tour at Onkalo which lies m ft below the ground to see tunnels hewn in the living rock to store highly radioactive waste for years suddenly makes me nervous. FINLANDS PLAN TO BURY SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL FOR MILLENNIA Finland is on the verge of becoming the first nation to bury spent nuclear fuel rods deep underground for the long term.