Use alerts to get icebreakers ideas In this section you will find all sorts of company updates: Linkedin posts shared by the company page Mentions in the news New Decision makers That is perfect material to think about a personalized icebreaker. recruiting business lead generation with sales navigator For example here I see that hey appeared on a TV Show recently. Let’s mention that in the message.
It will show that I don’t come out of nowhere and I’ve made seo expate bd some research on them. Example of a message you could send Hey Sam, Heard about Gener Ads through Dragon Den. C Congrats on growing the company so fast this year! I’ve seen you’re currently hiring engineers. Are the position field yet? This message as a high chance of getting a reply as I precisely mention their need and add a really personalized icebreaker.
If you to know more about how to get more appointments with Linkedin, you can check this video: That was the manual way to prospect as a recruiting business on linkedin sales navigator. Now, let’s see how to automate the process. Step : Automate Your Lead Generation Process With Account Lists If you don’t need to check every company page there is a simple process you can use to identify all.