The reasons for suchdifferences may be by sources andchannels due to different event accounting models. In this case the number ofconversions and the value are the same for all sources
Lebanon Phone Number Data and the differencesarise only in the distribution of sources and channels. Duplication of eventsis excluded in Google Analytics . In Universal Analytics some conversions couldbe doubled and accordingly the income was also doubled. If this phenomenon tookplace then in GA the statistics will be clean and correct and this is apositive change. If there are no duplicates but the conversions in the reportsstill do not match check the reports for the limits set.
In GA some reportsapply threshold values . This is probably an incomplete list of reasons and aswe continue to work with analytics we will encounter other questions and findnew solutions but for now we will talk about these three reasons and further.Thresholds in analytics are limited incomplete data sets of informationdisplayed in reports. Such restrictions are applied automatically by the systemso that it is impossible to obtain sensitive information or identify any of theusers from the report. This leads to the fact that some data not only clicksbut also conversions income may not be displayed in the report.