BIG Data it is difficult to think that
I would love for history to close my mouth and contradict me in the near future. Are we talking about scientific advances to which only a few will have access and where commercial logic will prevail? At first it will only be for a few and it will not be until it has been overexploited that access will be allowed to the rest of the citizens. Unfortunately, companies still have profit maximization as their business mission and until the product or tool is more than amortized it will not be possible to give it the freedom that it should have been given since its inception.At least that's what I think. Is corporate responsibility Denmark WhatsApp Number Data bottomless rhetoric to improve the image in front of the consumer or are we really talking about companies that seek to contribute to a better society? Unfortunately I think that corporate responsibility is simply improving the image in front of the consumer. With this I do not want to put all the organizations in the same bag, but the vast majority. Honestly, we still have a long way to go in history to reach that moment in which companies have corporate responsibility without stopping to think about what people will say about them.
Log in to answer Queralt Mancilla Taking into account the investment that analysis through of this investment will be applied to society in general. I think that in very specific cases this big data analysis focuses on social well-being and honestly it is only in the cases that "sell" us to consumers or society. I am very skeptical about this issue. I believe that human beings and our customs are a breeding ground for future businesses that have yet to be defined. Where is ethics? Well unfortunately there is still a lot to learn and apply. Ethics must be learned and lead by example. Log in to respond Álvaro Neira Hello Mercedes.