The latest CIS survey undoes some prejudices about Vox
The CIS barometer denied last April that the majority of Vox voters lack education. The latest survey by the Sociological Research Center has helped to disprove another prejudice about its electorate. Despite its markedly conservative ideology, Vox voters are more likely to divorce and separate than those of the rest of the political parties, and contrary to what one might expect, they do not top the lists of the most devout voters either. Not in vain, the same surveyhighlights the percentage of atheists among the ranks of Vox, with 11.2% of its electorate; a figure much higher than that of PP voters (1.7%) and Ciudadanos voters (6.5%). Last April, a CIS survey shed light on the profile of the Vox voter; man, aged between 25 and 54 years, and educated.This last piece of information contributed to undoing some prejudices and stereotypes regarding political training, sinceonly 14.4% of its voters lack academic training or only have compulsory primary education, a very low percentage in relation to that of other parties. among which include the PP and the PSOE. Well, the barometer of the Sociological Research Center (CIS) for the month of July has Middle East Phone Number Listcontributed to denying another important prejudice, this time related to the party's ideology. And despite its markedly conservative ideology, Vox voters are more likely to divorce and separate than those of the rest of the political formations, and contrary to what one might expect, they do not top the lists of the most devout voters either .
According to the CIS survey, up to 14 of the electorate of the Santiago Abascal party has gone through a divorce or separation process; a figure thatpractically doubles that of the rest of the political parties(8.5% in Podemos, 8.2% in PSOE, and 6.7% in PP, and 5.5% in Ciudadanos). Regarding the denominational nature of the Vox electorate, 30% declare themselves practicing Catholics and 15.5% claim to attend mass every Sunday, figures that place it well below the Popular Party electorate, with 56.9% Catholics. declared, and 28.2% of regular church attendees. Not in vain, the same surveyhighlights the percentage of atheists among the ranks of Voxwith 11.2% of its electorate; a figure much higher than that of PP voters (1.7%) and Ciudadanos voters (6.5%). The percentage of atheists among the ranks of the PSOE and Podemos stands at 13% and 28%, respectively.