If a provider offers you a rate for sending
SMS that seems too low to be true , it's probably because that provider uses grey routes. What's wrong with using grey routes for bulk SMS sending? Well, the consequences are that you receive a service that is as low as what you paid for, or worse . Here are at least 6 reasons why using grey routes can ruin your SMS campaigns: Delays No delivery report Alphanumeric senders not available Information Security Risks Special characters not supported Problems with concatenated messages Grey routes for your SMS? Here are the consequences Delays SMS messages sent via grey routes are delayed and can be sent hours after they are sent, potentially at the wrong time for your customers! Messages sent via grey routes can not only get stuck and delayed, they can also get lost and never reach their intended recipient.No delivery report SMS messages sent through grey routes japan telegram data usually do not support delivery reports. If delivery reports are available, they are likely to be fragmented or inaccurate. Because of this complete lack of traceability, you have no way of knowing if your message was received. Alphanumeric senders not available Compared to a message from a well-known company or brand, SMS messages sent via grey routes usually cannot be sent from an alphanumeric sender, so a random number will appear as the sender.
This gives an unprofessional impression and increases the chances of your message being treated as spam, not opened, or deleted. Information Security Risks Gray routes are a huge pain point, as customer information is not secure and message content can be easily accessed, copied and altered, making SMS messages more vulnerable to malicious content. This exposes your customers to unnecessary risk and damages your reputation. Special characters not supported If the SMS must include non-standard characters, such as accents or currency symbols, these are usually replaced with random characters, increasing confusion and the impression of unprofessionalism.